Im using 1.46 XP(no money for OFPR)
for SEFE'z SpySatelite script, i want to make the satelite follow a certain object. how do i do that.
the original parameter for executing the script is
["SHOW", Coordinates] Exec "SpySat.sqs"
i tried using the "GetPos" command but it wont follow the object
["SHOW", Getpos s1] Exec "SpySat.sqs"
here is the code, can anyone help me? thx alot
; Spy satellite script
; by SEFE
_Action = _this Select 0
Goto _Action
_Position = _this Select 1
SatelliteZoom = 1
ShowCinemaBorder FALSE
Satellite = "Camera" CamCreate [_Position Select 0, (_Position Select 1) - 10, 400]
_Target = "Logic" Camcreate [_Position Select 0, _Position Select 1, 0]
Satellite CameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"]
Satellite CamSetTarget _Target
Satellite CamSetFOV 2
Satellite CamCommit 0
Satellite CameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"]
CamDestroy Satellite
ShowCinemaBorder TRUE
@CamCommitted Satellite
SatelliteZoom = SatelliteZoom + 1
? SatelliteZoom > 5 : SatelliteZoom = 5
Satellite CamSetFOV 2/SatelliteZoom^2
Satellite CamCommit 1
@CamCommitted Satellite
@CamCommitted Satellite
SatelliteZoom = SatelliteZoom - 1
? SatelliteZoom < 1 : SatelliteZoom = 1
Satellite CamSetFOV 2/SatelliteZoom^2
Satellite CamCommit 1
@CamCommitted Satellite