I'm sorry if I misunderstood you Chris Death but actually if you put
this and gogo
into a radio trigger it will be activaded only when the condition gogo is true AND you make the radio call (0-0-whaever).
To activate the radio trigger by AI or you making the call you put
this OR gogo
+ if you would like to use this and gogo then you would also want to hide the radio call option untill gogo is true. Why? Because if gogo is not true then the player can pust his 0-0-1 a hundred times thinking 'why the heck can't I make the call. it's visible in my radio list but it just won't do anything'.
I don't have the command reference on this cpu but I recall hiding a radio trigger calls for
a) naming the trigger
b) using command triggername setradiomessage 0
preferably in init.sqs and when stating the gogo to true
also setting triggername setradiomessage 1
(the command might also be setradiomsg or something like that)
O'Neil I don't know about your question.. maybe if you depbo some or the BIS missions or campaings you will find their recordings if that's what you ment.
If you want to use your own recordings that surely is possible by recording it and then converting the wav to ogg and setting a class for it in the descrition.ext