This may be more of a scripting question ,
but, I'm sure you guys can handle it. Right?
I've seen this in scripts, and I've seen it when I downloaded the Chinhook with a Cargo Hook. Yet, I don't know the proper way to use it. It's, the Under-Slash Variable command *dun dun dun*. For example:
_Mommy doFire _Daddy
Instead of:
Brother doFire LittleBrother
I've seen it in this command: "_x moveinDriver Ccar2" Foreachunits Police . What I'm thinking is that the _x is some variable, errr, like Algebra. Except, when putting these into a script, the item that triggers that script I usually see two Bracets, in which were used to define the variables.
For Example:
[ Ccar2, Police] exec "MoveinDriver.sqs"
So, how do I use this Command? The Underslash? Will it make scripting easier? How do I define the variables? The world may never know....