Hmm, I see. What about the Bracets in the exec command? The [ Ccar1, Police, Dead-Guy, Drunk-Guy, A Bat] exec "moveinDriver.sqs".
Each one supposedly has a special place, for example:
[ _Car, _Cop, _OldGuy, _GuyWithKids, _AStrangeMan]
But, using the bracets, I define each one? I'm not sure how the Bracets relate the in-script commands. For example:
_Cop moveInDriver _Car;
_OldGuy domove getpos _GuyWithKids;
_Bat dofire _AStrangeMan;
?(StrangePeople ==1): hint "Woah, strange People";
?(StrangePeople =! 1): hint "Woah, not Strange People";
Each of the Variables, such as the _Cop, and _Car, should and need to be defined. Before the script is executed though, there's the "Bracets" in the exec Command. For Example:
[_Cop, _Car, _Man, _Person, _Weapon]
[Cop, Copcar, OldMan, Larson, Wrench]exec "RunningOutOfNamesForScripts.sqs"
That's what I'm talking about. And, how would the Script know what position the Defined Variables are in? What if it thought _Cop was _Weapon? How do I define that Variables position in the bracets? How do I define the variables?!
[] exec "HELPME.sqs"
[] exec "ItoughtIranoutofnamesforScripts.sqs"
[ RunAwayScientist, [AF], Corny Quote] exec "Signature.sqs"
-RunAwayScientist[AF] (Cheese Please!)