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Author Topic: CamCreatable Markers ;)  (Read 1337 times)

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CamCreatable Markers ;)
« on: 05 Jan 2003, 11:09:12 »
'CamCreateable' markers ...

well I hope you know what I mean ;)

not sure if its possible somehow, but I need markers that I can generate on the fly. Problem is that markers aren't objects but a class of its own, so I want to know if there's any trick or woraround to fix that. Maybe using some sorta dummy objects which display on the map just like markers do; something like that...

thx 4 any suggestions

Offline Hawkins

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Re:CamCreatable Markers ;)
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jan 2003, 12:19:57 »
Ya mean like this: The marker isn't visible in the briefing but when a objective/event/whatever is met the marker comes visible? I've done that but not with camcreate. ;D But with setpos. It's easier then. Just place a marker on the map. Let's name it marker1. Then make a init file in yer mission folder. Write in the init file: "marker1" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]
Then we will go to OFP and take coordinates from the position ya want the marker to move when the trigger/even/whatever is met. Make a unit and call it... Well call it for example unit. Then make a trigger and make it activate by the side wich is same as the unit ya just made. In the act. of the trigger write: unit exec "camera.sqs"
To get the coords fast place the unit and the trigger close to the place where ya want the marker to move. Then just move the cam to the pos where ya want the marker to be. The cam can be moved the same way as ya move a unit in OFP. Once ya're in position press ctrl. Then go to yer OFP folder and find a text file called clipboard. Then from there copy the coords from the spot that says: _camera camSetPos
The go back to OFP. I dunno when and how ya wanna make the marker move to the pos but just write in a waypoint/trigger/script or whatever this when ya want it to move to the pos: Write in the init file: "marker1" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]
Just replace the 0's with the coords ya copied from the game.

I hope that isn't too hard... :P I find it very easy and handy. ;D



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Re:CamCreatable Markers ;)
« Reply #2 on: 07 Jan 2003, 19:44:15 »
thx for the reply, but that didnt help me. I want the markers to be part of an addon; they should display targets locked by a unit. So each unit needs like 4 or 5 markers added automatically when you place it on the map. Thats not possible of course, unless I can create them via script. I can then have the addon launch a script (via CfgInit class) and make it drop the markers onto the map.

but again, thx!


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Re:CamCreatable Markers ;)
« Reply #3 on: 08 Jan 2003, 02:49:16 »
WOW! Triple post :D Legend...

Um, I think that createable markers would be awesome...


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Re:CamCreatable Markers ;)
« Reply #4 on: 08 Jan 2003, 02:56:54 »
On your object idea: if you place a house with one of those editor addon thingys, does it show up on the map like a regular house does?


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Re:CamCreatable Markers ;)
« Reply #5 on: 11 Jan 2003, 14:45:08 »
not sure but thats indeed an idea. Maybe theres even a way to change the map icon of a addon with an empty model.