unit disableAI section
Operand types:
unit: Object
section: String
Type of returned value:
Disable parts of AI behaviour to get fine control over unit. Section is one of "TARGET" (disable watching assinged target), "AUTOTARGET" (disable independed target assigning and watching unknown targets), "MOVE" (disable movement).
soldierOne disableAI "Move"
Try running this kind of thing:
{_x disableAI "move"; _x disableAI "target"; _x disableAI "autotarget"} forEach listOfAllPlayers
listOfAllPlayers would be an array in which you list all soldiers, i.e. listOfAllPlayers = [wa1,wa2,wa3,ea1,ea2,ea3,etc]
Alternately you could add all three disableAI lines in the init field of each soldier.
If you do this to all players at the beginning of the game, I wonder if it still applies when they disconnect? I wonder if it even works at all? If it does, the AI will still be present, but they won't move or find their own targets. Experiment.
Remember that AI is handled exclusively by the server, so you probably don't need to run it on all clients.