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Author Topic: *HELP* How do i make an AI fire out in.....  (Read 964 times)

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*HELP* How do i make an AI fire out in.....
« on: 28 Nov 2002, 17:41:11 »
How do i make a AI fire out in nowhere!?!? ???

Please reply as fast as you can i need it so much!


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Re:*HELP* How do i make an AI fire out in.....
« Reply #1 on: 29 Nov 2002, 20:45:32 »
you gotta make them fire at something.....  whether it's another unit.. or an empty object ;)

The Edge

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Re:*HELP* How do i make an AI fire out in.....
« Reply #2 on: 01 Dec 2002, 00:59:31 »
I've set AI M2 gunners as a test. And a M60 guy.

Set up empty game logic, an empty tank, and an empty chopper--

Named them all (A1 = gunner, T1/2/3 = objects) and set "a1 dofire Tx (either 1, 2, or 3)" and previewed.

Nothing. The gunner just swivels towards whichever target I made him look at, but does not fire. I've also tried (in the init) "a1 dotarget Tx" then the doFire, but that doesn't seem to work either.

Tried making a trigger doing the same thing, no response. I'm not quite sure what's wrong, or if I'm doing something incorrectly... this is with the 1.90 resistance patch.

I'm trying to make a mission with simulated anti aircraft fire (binding a gamelogic, looping their pos to get them to stay in the air and just outside a chopper or C130; and having specific ground units target the game logics)... :(

Offline Wildebeest

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Re:*HELP* How do i make an AI fire out in.....
« Reply #3 on: 01 Dec 2002, 01:06:08 »
As far as I know you can't make a unit fire out in thin air. One thing you might wanna try is to place a HMG below the surface of the ground and try targeting that. I asked the same question as you some time ago and I got the same answer...  :P

The Edge

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Re:*HELP* How do i make an AI fire out in.....
« Reply #4 on: 01 Dec 2002, 01:20:27 »
I was told that game logics were targettable? I've put myself as the gunner while targetting a game logic -- and the target box was there, where the game logic was...


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Re:*HELP* How do i make an AI fire out in.....
« Reply #5 on: 05 Dec 2002, 09:02:40 »
Thanks for the help. I played an new campaign some weeks ago. And the mission is to protect the base. But thr enemy on thr hills they start shooting at your bases position but they dont hit anybody!!