Firstly here is the overview
New map type called Escape & Evasion
I am trying to create a template as i make this map, much like Tacticians C&H and Karillions CTF
The game
West has 2 groups
Group A = Escapees (6)
Group B = Rescue Party (2)
East=The hunters (24)
Group A (Escapees) initially spawn at their helicopter crash site and have to make it from enemy territory to the border (Triggered Area)
They spawn all carrying flags (Camouflaged flags), if they make it to the border, they score X points.
If East kills them, and takes the flag, East scores Y points
(Havent yet decided if east have to go to a trigger area with flag or just auto return it to flag poles)
West Group B's task is to extract them.
Game is run on a time limit, with everybody respawning if killed
Respawn Question.I have already set West Escapees up with 6 random respawn locations using a script
respawn_west to respawn_west5 which is working fine
(These respawns are all in enemy territory)
How do i get West Group B (Rescue party) to respawn in an entirely different location?
I cant use respawn_west