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Author Topic: New marines in units?  (Read 1479 times)

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New marines in units?
« on: 22 Nov 2002, 13:15:59 »
I am a Norwegian fan of operation flashpoint, and I've gone through the addons, and to my dissapointment, I could not find a single Norwegian marine there. They are among the best trained marines in the world, even if they are kinda few. And they really do deserve a spot in Operation flashpoints addons :-) (at least imo). They are called FSK, (Forsvarets Spesial Kommando) tranclated into The armys Special Forces in English I suppose.

Now, I am totally new to scripting, so I have no chance what so ever to create any units of this sort. But if some1 would do the task, I'd appreciate it a LOT :-) I'll post a few links so that you can have a look at what they look like.

Some info about them: They usually operate in teams of four, with one explosives/demolition expert, one sniper, one medic, and one tracker (I think that shoulf be about correct) They are experts in water to land operations, but also in operations like enuring freedom in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, I have been unable to find out what weapons they usually use etc, but I am sure that there are some script masters around here who know a lot about that stuff.

Some pics to give you an impression of how they look like:


As most of the sites about them are in Norwegian, if you want to try to make these units, please let me know, and I'll see if I can help you with the translation part :-) Thx in advance.


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Re:New marines in units?
« Reply #1 on: 22 Nov 2002, 16:16:46 »
If you want to look at a video made by the Norwegian Army, here it is: Not very good quality, but you get a gimpse of some of the action :-)



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Re:New marines in units?
« Reply #2 on: 22 Nov 2002, 17:25:46 »
Gå til ofp.gamezone.cz inn på addons lista deires trur det skal være FSK units der som du kan få lasted ned!


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Re:New marines in units?
« Reply #3 on: 22 Nov 2002, 19:07:36 »
Well, theres only been made one unit on that site, and in addition to that, their FTP server has been downfor at least some days if not more. I was thinking that since Norwegian marines/FSK soldiers operate in teams of four, it could be nice to see a unit pack with these 4 soldiers, ev. with winter/desert camo or something like that. It's just that if I have to wait till I can make them myself, I'll probably have to wait for quite long too.