Found something similar, though it's in .sqf form.
// to use
// pass 2 positions, returns a 3rd postion in between the 2 positions 100 meters away
_postionA = _this select 0;
_postionB = _this select 1;
_X1 = _postionA select 0;
_Y1 = _postionA select 1;
_X2 = _postionB select 0;
_Y2 = _postionB select 1;
_distanceA = _X1 - _X2;
_distanceB = _Y1 - _Y2;
_distanceC = sqrt ((_distanceA * _distanceA) + (_distanceB * _distanceB));
_reductionRatio = _distanceC/100;
_returnPostion = [(_X1 +((_X2 - _X1)/_reductionRatio)), (_Y1 +((_Y2 - _Y1)/_reductionRatio)),00.00];
_output = _returnPostion;
Its somewhat advanced, so I can't figure out how it is done or what formula is used. (I'm quite weak in maths.LOL)
I think you should browse through the OFPEC Editor's Depot and at the ArmAholic for script packs.
I've seen a script that do this before, but can't remember.
If you are familiar with scripting, I think you should use a gamelogic to do the job.
First determine dis btwn the two obj.
Then half it. Find direction from one obj to another. (You'll get two)
Then setpos the gamelogic to the appropriate position.
There may be better ways. So wait for others comments if you have time.
Also, I'll take a look at the scripts to see if I could find one.