same way as any other chopper
with the possible exception of that you can have more groups in a chinook...oh well, why not create a separate chinook ejection script. Try this one:
_chop= _this select 0
_fullcrew= count crew _chop
?_fullcrew == 0 : exit
_jump= crew _chop select _fullcrew
?_jump == driver _chop : _fullcrew=_fullcrew - 1; goto "JumpLoop"
?_jump == gunner _chop : _fullcrew=_fullcrew - 1; goto "JumpLoop"
_jump action["EJECT", _chop]
_jump unAssignVehicle _chop
_fullcrew= _fullcrew - 1
goto "JumpLoop"
Or somesuch
Now everyone 'xcept the gunner & the driver should eject
Called [chopperName] "scriptName.sqs"
I've got too much time on my hand...and if this somehow fouls up, just go to the editor's depot and the snippets section and find yourself a normal ejection script
Wolfrug out.