Well, he was asking for SQS.
Using a trigger might be the easiest method for detection.
Here's my minefield script. The only thing is, it doesn't place random mines. If you go into the trigger area, simulated mines will explode around you. It's linked to your speed, so the only way to get out of the minefield safely is to stop your vehicle, get out and crawl or crouch walk. Backing up the vehicle very slowly might work, but it takes very little movement to set one off. If you try to speed through the minefield, mines will go off like crazy.
(vehicle player in thislist)
On Act:
hint "You are entering a minefield!!!"; _minefield=[b1] execVM "minefield.sqf";
b1 has to be the name of the trigger since I don't know how to pass text field as a variable.
//example taken from Behind Enemy Lines by laggy
if(!isServer) exitWith{};
private ["_tnam","_tgt","_delay"];
_tnam = _this select 0;
_tgt = list _tnam;
sleep 2;
while {triggerActivated _tnam} do {
if(speed _x < 40) then {sleep 1;};
if(speed _x < 20) then {sleep 2;};
if(speed _x > 5) then {"R_57mm_HE" createVehicle [((getpos _x) select 0) + 40 - random 80,((getpos _x) select 1) + 40 - random 80, 0];};
} forEach _tgt;
sleep 1;
_tgt = list _tnam;