lay everything out how you want it in the editor with the objects..downedhelo, pipebombbox, deadguy1, deadguy2 etc.
use the helo as centre.... _helopos = getpos downedhelo
then work out the offsets... _pipebombboxXoffset = _helopos select 0 - ((getpos Pipebombbox) select 0)
_pipebomboxYoffset = _helopos select 1 - ((getpos Pipebombbox) select 1)
find out all object x and y offsets like this, then when the downedhelo is setpos'd using a random position, offset the objects as follows..
pipebombox setpos [((getpos downedhelo) select 0) - _pipebombboxXoffset, ((getpos downedhelo) select 0) - _pipebombboxYoffset,0]
may work, should work, one way to do it, completely untested.