Donwload and unpbo a mission to analyze a script?
Excuse-me... I knew it was silly, but I was fed up with that problem...
effectively, there is a switchmove command in the script...
in the unit field of the unit, there is:
[this] exec "hostages\set_captivecivil.sqs"
(Do I have to move that command in the init file of the mission?)
_hostage = _this select 0
_hostage setCaptive true
_hostage switchMove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon"
_hostage setBehaviour "SAFE"
_hostage addAction ["Release civilian", "hostages\ok_freecivil.sqs"]
_hostage addEventHandler ["killed", {_this exec "hostages\set_dead.sqs"}]
_hostage disableAI "anim"
removeAllWeapons _hostage
the "Release civilian" action by the player then calls a small script:
publicVariable "freecivilok";
then a trigger with condition "freecivilok" and on activation: [p1] exec "hostages\set_freecivil.sqs"
here is that script:
_player = player
_hostage = _this select 0
?!(alive _hostage):exit
?!(alive _player):exit
_hostage enableAI "anim"
_hostage setCaptive false
_hostage playMove ""
_hostage setBehaviour "safe"
_hostage removeAction 0
I think that civils and prisoners are released, but not setcaptive false or enable to playmove"" (but one with a similar script!)
I like the mission and I wish it could be playable on dedi servers too... what can I do?