I am trying to make an enhanced publicvariable system in which each node has its own "channel", data may be sent from node to node, and a simple handshake verifies data delivery. As I plowed forward I suddenly realised "How the hell am I going to pack and unpack the data?"
Each node has a its own variable it monitors through a public event handler. Each "message"
publicVariable'd through that variable has the form of an array:
[_tx, _datapack]
_tx is a header and
_datapack = []; {_datapack = _datapack + [[_x, call compile _x]]} forEach _data;
_data is an array of the variable names you want to
How would I go about unpacking the data? Somehow I know:
{call compile (_x select 0) + " = " + str(_x select 1);} forEach _datapack;
is garbage since the
call compile _x used in data packing would, for objects, return local pointers not valid on the receiving machine. Help...