I have 2 problems regarding the same script.
Ive downloaded the fuction "AngleFacingDiff.sqf" and Im not entirely sure how to use it. I want to tell whether a unit in this case _guy is looking at object _thing. So I have called it with the line [_guy,_thing] call AngleFacing after loading it before the mission as AngleFacing.
_ang= [_guy,_thing] call AngleFacing
if (_ang < 10) then (goto "next1")
if (_ang >350) then (goto "start")
Im using this code to see if he is looking within 10 degrees either side of the object. Are there any problems?
I ask, as when I put in hint format ["Angle = %1", _ang]
I get a load of random numbers and letters which show up when you have screwed up the numbers. Please help.