Why didn't you write your code?
Because I was answering to bedges and I know he knows what to do
And besides, you learn when trying to figure things out by yourself, not by someone telling you "do this, don't care why"
Where did you put your creation code?
The 'global space' suggests you used it in either a unit's init field or in a trigger where local variables (with the underscore, such as your _soldier) do not work.
As for the anim not working, use
switchMove, not playMove.
Because some anims work with switchmove only, and it's possible that createVehicled unit doesn't comply with playmove..
Then I did this
Which makes no sense.
First you create a soldier referenced with variable _soldier and then you playMove something referenced with
If that code was in a trigger or in a unit's init field
this refers to the trigger/unit, not the created soldier..
If you wish to use the trigger/unit's init field
someloon="SoldierWB" createVehicle someposition; someloon switchMove "combatdead"
In a script executed from somewhere
_soldier = "SoldierWB" createVehicle someposition
_soldier switchMove "combatdead"