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Author Topic: Problems with activating a zombie addon!!  (Read 3031 times)

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Serial Killer

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Problems with activating a zombie addon!!
« on: 29 Apr 2005, 15:59:30 »
I just downloaded some zombie addon, but I don't understand how do I activate these things :-[ Here's a part of the readme file..




Load up the mission editor and select your favourite island. I quite like using Skye :)

Place a "difficulty level" game logic (all difficulty level game logics are name-prefixed with "Zombie Mod -") on the map and name it "SERVER" (no quotes). This is very important - especially for multiplayer games. Scripts automating zombie movement WILL NOT RUN unless a game logic called SERVER exists. You should use only one "difficulty level" game logic per mission.

OK, so what's the difference between each difficulty level?
EASY GAME game logic:
Zombies are not indestructible.
Dead humans will not resurrect when killed by zombies.
Damage done to humans by zombie attacks is light. Zombies hardly damage vehicles.

MEDIUM GAME game logic:
Zombies are not indestructible.
Humans may or may not resurrect when killed by zombies. It's a 50% chance they will though.
Damage done to humans by zombie attacks is moderate. Zombies mildly damage vehicles.

HARD GAME game logic:
Zombies are indestructible.
Humans always resurrect when killed by zombies.
Damage done to humans by zombie attacks is immediate. Zombies significantly damage all vehicles except APCs/ Tanks.

If you don't want to use the game logic difficulty level presets, you can customise the game to your liking by setting global game settings yourself. MAKE SURE THOUGH THAT YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE GAME LOGIC NAMED "SERVER" THOUGH, ZOMBIE MOD LOGIC OR NOT!!!

******* SECTION 2: VARIABLES USED ********

OK, this should only be attempted by intermediate to advanced editors.

The following *global* (denoted by the gbl prefix) variables are used to tailor the game to your liking. If you don't know what the hell a variable is, I recommend you stop here and get reading a programming book.


gblInitDone = 0 if the zombie subsystem is not initialised, 1 if it is. The zombie initialisation resets the contents of arrays, and performs other "one-time" initialisation. You MUST wait for this value to be set to 1 before tweaking ANY of the other global variables or arrays. Placing/ CreateUnit'ing  a zombie on a map, and having a game logic named SERVER will automatically initialise the zombie engine- how long it takes depends on how fast your computer is though :)

gblIndestructibleZombies = (0 or 1, 1 means "yes")

gblZombieResrWait = (0.. infinite) - real number determining how long, in seconds, an indestructible zombie should lay on the ground after being "killed", before getting up again? You can have fun with this...

gblHumanResProbability = (0 .. 1) - real number. The probability of a human coming back as a zombie from 0 to 1. Fractional values allowed. 0 means "human stays dead forever", 1 means "human always comes back as a zombie". .50 means "50/50 chance" etc etc.

gblHumanResrWait= (0..infinite) - real number determining how long (in seconds) should a human stay dead before he/she comes back as a zombie?

gblZombieDamage = real number from 0..1  (zombie damage to humans: 0 = none, .5 = half damage, 1 = 1 hit one kill )


gblZombieCarDamage = real number from 0..1   (how much damage a zombie can inflict on a car, per hit. . 0 = none, 1 = 1 hit one kill .5 = 2 hits etc, .2 = 5 hits yawn yawn)

gblZombieAPCDamage = real number from 0..1   (for APCs.)

gblZombieTankDamage = real number from 0..1    (for Tanks.)

gblZombieDelPause = x (how many seconds before zombies are deleted from map when they are killed. 0 = deleted the moment they are killed again. Set to long value if you want them to never be deleted. REMEMBER: OFP has a finite limit of units & groups (12 x 64) that can be created at one time - it is recommended that zombies are deleted to reduce lag and allow other units to be created!)


gblZombieList [] - all ACTIVE zombies. You don't need to add anything to this arr Whenever a zombie is killed, it is removed from this array. Whenever a human resurrects and becomes a zombie, it is added to this array.

If you want to program any custom AI for the zombies, set gblAllTargets to empty [] and use the array to move the zombies yourself.

gblAllTargets [] - all ALIVE targets (men, tanks, apcs etc). Whenever a target is destroyed/ killed, it is removed from this array.

For speed reasons, try to keep the number of units in this array down to a minimum. Zombies evaluate the nearest unit to attack from this array. The larger the array, the more time it takes them to choose the closest food source!!

NOTE: Even though the zombies are EAST side, you can still make them attack other EAST units by adding those units to the gblAllTargets array - but the zombies won't be shot at (East never targets East).

gblBitList [] - people who have been bit by zombies. Whenever a target is killed or resurrected as a zombie, it is removed from this array.  

gblHealthList [] - THIS ARRAY IS OBSOLETE.

gblHuman2ZombieMap [] - string pairs specifying a human unit type and it's zombie equivalent, e.g. ["SoldierWB", "ZombieExSoldierWB"] . When a human is to be resurrected, this array is looked up by the resurrection subsystem.

When a human is bit, and subsequently dies, the following code executes:
x = TypeOf (dead player)
Look up X in gblHuman2ZombieMap
if a mapping exists, zombie = Zombie Equivalent of X. Create unit zombie and attack remaining humans!

gblGroupList [] - A list of groups that zombies can be added to. If you wish to have lots of carnage, with those bitten getting up and attacking their former allies, you should append to this list some empty "groups". Basically, create a group with one east soldier who is off the map (on another island offshore, perhaps) and use his free "group".

GroupOfSoldierNeverUsed = group this

Create a game logic which must execute AFTER you create the first zombie (just wait for gblInitDone to be set to 1) and put in the initialisation:

gblGroupList = gblGroupList + [GroupOfSoldierNeverUsed]

The zombie mod will use this "free" group to assign resurrected zombies.

Please explain it easily! :(

Thank you!
« Last Edit: 29 Apr 2005, 15:59:51 by Serial Killer »

Offline danturn

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Re: Problems with activating a zombie addon!!
« Reply #1 on: 13 Oct 2007, 15:55:55 »
I also have this zombie mod, but can't get it too work either!

What it claims you have to do, is adda  game logic named "server".

If you go to add unit, and where it says "west" scroll down to came logic.

Then where you would normally set the unit type find object, and then in the unit selection choose your difficulty level and name it "server"

This is what it explains to do, but in a very brief and difficult to understand form. At least that is my interpretation. I tried this, but still can't get it too work! Try it out for yourself, it may work!

Offline h-

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Re: Problems with activating a zombie addon!!
« Reply #2 on: 13 Oct 2007, 16:55:57 »
Danturn, you should keep one problem in one thread (referring to the other thread you started and in which you also ask this same thing..), and over 2 years old topic is really not worth resurrecting..
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Offline danturn

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Re: Problems with activating a zombie addon!!
« Reply #3 on: 13 Oct 2007, 17:30:41 »
I found this after i had posted my first comment. And only put both problems in the same post to save cluttering the message board. Apologies if I am not meant to do that! You wouldnt happen to be able to help by any chance?

#EDIT-removed the unnecessary quote  h-
« Last Edit: 14 Oct 2007, 09:32:48 by h- »

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Re: Problems with activating a zombie addon!!
« Reply #4 on: 14 Oct 2007, 09:56:11 »
Apparently they forgot to mention a key element in their readme.

You need to set up a trigger covering the whole map (or a specific area), set it to be activated by West, Resistance or Civilian, and in the on Act. field write
Code: [Select]
gblAllTargets = thislist
East can't be used because then the zombie attacks itself and kills itself... ::)
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Offline danturn

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Re: Problems with activating a zombie addon!!
« Reply #5 on: 14 Oct 2007, 21:01:55 »
I still can't get it too work.

I have a group of zombies and a group of soldiers.

I place the game logic "zombiemod - medium" and name it "server" as it describes.

Then placed the trigger you named and previewd  and it wouldnt work.

Does the game logic need to cover the whole island liek the trigger also?

Offline h-

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Re: Problems with activating a zombie addon!!
« Reply #6 on: 14 Oct 2007, 22:48:52 »
Odd, should work..
They attack me even if I don't place any game logic.. :scratch:

And I see no indication anywhere that the game logic would need to named 'server'.
None of the scripts I checked has any 'server' check in them..

Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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