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Author Topic: Search-Light Patrol/Scan  (Read 1424 times)

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Offline sharkyjoe

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Search-Light Patrol/Scan
« on: 28 Jul 2007, 08:17:39 »
I have an OPFOR loon on a mini-waypoint patrol.
While on this mini-patrol, I need him to get into a searchlight Scan Horizon for a min and then disembark out of search light. If he finds enemy he stays in Searchlight until his dead or the enemy is dead.

Thanks in advance
Sharkyjoe  :)
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Offline Tyger

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Re: Search-Light Patrol/Scan
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2007, 08:27:33 »
Create a trigger. Set it to a radius that you want him to detect enemy in i.e. if he sees enemy within how large of a circle, he will stay in the search light (basically if you want, you can set it to the whole map). Make it so it's OPFOR detected by BLUFOR. On the activation line, put "OPFOR_DETECTED = true".

Then create a second trigger. Sync it to the get in WP or what ever. in the cond. line put "this && !(OPFOR_DETECTED)". Then put 60 seconds in the timeout boxes.

That should do it.


Oh, and no clue how to get him to scan horizon. Unless that was the only question you had and you had the rest figured out. In that case, sorry mate :P
« Last Edit: 28 Jul 2007, 08:29:34 by Tyger »
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Re: Search-Light Patrol/Scan
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jul 2007, 08:30:15 »
u cud try 2 use Blancos searchlight betascript i didnt test it... and its not perfect but it shud do :D

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Offline sharkyjoe

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Re: Search-Light Patrol/Scan
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2007, 02:57:38 »
LCD - I tried using Blanco's script. Very neat Idea! But it still is a little shaky..It would scan and move off of target(man) and then move back on to him. Sometimes shinning the light on me(i was same side as the light operator). However it wouldn't let me get the man out of the search-light and continue to patrol if no enemy was spotted( this could be due to my limited script and Comd Ref knowledge). This will be a Way Cool script and largely use if Blanco can get it smoothed out(directions, readme txt ect.), for ease of use for guys like me.

Tyger-I tried your Trigger idea and it too would not let me out even after Searchlight man did Not spot anything. However it did lead to something worth while.

Here is what I did:
Made 3 Waypoints with a Cycle WYpt(for the patroling aspect). Added one more Move WYpt after the cycle and put in activation line of this last WYpt lmt1 moveingunner light1. Also put this code in the second WYpt activ line before cycle.

lmt1 = name of loon pat/light oper
Moveingunner = the proper operator for this equipment..(it was NOT moveindriver/ took me an hour to figure that one out).
light1= name of search light.

Trigger is now created to desire area that you want to Detect enemy approaching. so I have 220-x by 220-y and Activation Blufor -Once -Detected by Opfur - TYPE Switch. Now link/Synchronize it up to the Cycle waypoint.(this trig setup makes him stay in light..he breifly goes out and then right back in 2sec tops of no light)

Now another Trigger, and pressing F2 on the keyboard, I linked it to lmt1. This now sets new Activation paramaters such as whole group /group leader. I chose grp ldr. Set to Repeatedly.
Down torwards bottom of trigger On Activation line I use: [ltm1, light1] exec "Paradrop.sqs"  Yes a paradrop or as i like to call it now an EJECT From Vechicle. Also very important to put in Time Out Box 60 min 60 max 60 mid --this equals 60 sec/1 min ( or desired time) so the Script doesnt fire right away. (this trig setup ejects him form the light if Emeny is not detected)

So now the loon partols. Gets in light for 1 min. Jumps out does rest of patrol and Gets back in and stays in if enemy is seen.

Thanks for the Help LCD and Tyger...got me thinking in different direction  :good:
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Offline Tyger

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Re: Search-Light Patrol/Scan
« Reply #4 on: 29 Jul 2007, 03:26:14 »
Not a problem mate, just glad that we could help you any way possible. :good: Even better that you were able to figure it out yourself!
"People sleep soundly at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

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Offline Blanco

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Re: Search-Light Patrol/Scan
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jul 2007, 03:28:57 »
lmt1 moveingunner light1.
This will instantly move mt1 in the searchlight without any animation.

You might try:

Code: [Select]
lmt1 assignasgunner light1; [mt1] ordergetin true
If the searchlight is in a tower the unit should climb into the tower and mount the searchlight.

To dismount afterwards: (instead of a paradrop script)

Code: [Select]
unassignVehicle lmt1
Also..you could experiment with the new waypoint type "getin nearest" in combined with a switch trigger.

« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2007, 16:35:37 by Blanco »
Search or search or search before you ask.

Offline sharkyjoe

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Re: Search-Light Patrol/Scan
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jul 2007, 15:23:41 »

Blanco- you can get a Searchlight in a tower?? LOL.  :D
Seriously tho, those little helpful hints just given to me sound Awesome. I'll give it a go. They are not need for this problem. The waypoint is close enough, on top of ledge overlooking water, at night and in the middle of the mission. Like i said i will give the codes ago to help in future mission making.
Hope to see a Your Searchlight script very soon in the Editors Depot  ;)

This is done!! Now where is that solved button located?? :cool2:

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