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Author Topic: Commanding commanders  (Read 1170 times)

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Offline DjTano

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Commanding commanders
« on: 03 Jun 2007, 04:01:07 »
Hey guys,

i had this (imo great) idea of being able to command team leaders.

This way you could easily command 50 soldiers without having to do incredible keybinds and stuff.

But i dont know how to do that, can anybody help me?

Id need some script with wich i command only the team leader and when i tell him to go somewhere he gets followed by his squad and if i tell him to go crouched they all go crouched and they all attack the target i tell em and so on...

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Re: Commanding commanders
« Reply #1 on: 03 Jun 2007, 06:32:02 »
I had thought I'd seen a set of scripts that did just that but after some searching I've come up empty. I think for the best solution to your question you should probably wait for the Chain of Command mod to release their 'Command Engine 3 (CE3)' which will do what you're after and more.

Offline 456820

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Re: Commanding commanders
« Reply #2 on: 03 Jun 2007, 15:00:35 »
It would be possible but not quite how you want. You could tell other squad leaders to move places and his team would follow. You could make him halt, open fire etc etc.
However I don't think it would be possible to order him to target certain soldiers easily it might be possible but would require some heavy scripting.

You could set it up with a set of triggers and radio commands.
For example to have a squad leader move set up the radio command and then the on activation would be...

onMapSingleClick {group_alpha domove getpos _pos}}

That would require a map click to move group_alpha to where you click.
In alphas leaders init field put... group_alpha = group this

On a second radio command you can have...

group_alpha setCombatMode "GREEN"

That would force group_alpha to hold fire unless fired upon.

Etc etc thats how I would do it though. Not sure how you would do it if you wanted dialogs but hope this helps anyway.

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Re: Commanding commanders
« Reply #3 on: 06 Jun 2007, 09:04:04 »
I knew I'd seen it somewhere...

This Thread, (by all accounts) contains a mission which should allow you to control a platoon of AI soldiers in a MP/Coop environment. I haven't tested this at the time of this post but will do later tonight and will report back with any new worthy info.

From the thread...

# Mission Features

    * Control the behaviour, combat mode and formation of each squad.
    * Make Platoon formations as described here.
    * Order the men to mount/dismount their assigned stryker.
    * Order them to move via map clicking.
    * Order them to flank in an intelligent way (i.e. they won't cross your line of fire).
    * Watch a bearing.
    *  Advance in a certain direction
    * Adjust the spacing between the squads
    * use the minimap...
    * Adjust the background colour of the dialogue.

# The mission

They put you in the shoes of a Platoon Leader, but you can play along with your mates, as the 42 slots left are all playable.
They come with a full briefing -which also contains the manual of the dialogue-, custom sounds and surprises.

They are basically for committed players with an interest for missions with a tactical edge. Don't expect to slaughter a company all by yourself here.

# Known issues

Although the net coding has been streamlined, the Strykers sometimes just won't move on dedi servers, especially in cities. I haven't been able to carry out comprehensive testing on dedi servers yet as I don't have any handy.