OK I'm trying to figure out how to spawn units in parachutes when a triggers delay has been reached
I have figured out how to spawn parachutes using
chute1="ParachuteEast" CamCreate [getpos airdrop select 0, getpos airdrop select 1, 100]
which puts the parachute in the sky at 100 meters I then create a unit using
"KEGSOfficerENight" createunit[getpos Chute1,egrp1,"this=eldr1",0.9,"Captain"]
I know you need to moveindriver the unit into the chute but not sure were to put that in the script that im
trying to make.��� I also am trying to make the parachutes fall in a line and some distance from each other.��� ���Â
I have the delay working using the trigger to launch the script after 30 seconds and I have created units and put them starting in the ocean and given them group names.
Admins please remove this message I meant to post it in the ofp scripting and not arma