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Offline Killzone

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Animated Towns
« on: 20 Feb 2007, 22:07:47 »
With all the help I have been getting over the last few days about nearestobject and setpos commands to name a few so that I could work on animating towns in ARMA I thought I would post my experiement for animated towns. I welcome feedback of any kind. This is only a small example of what I would like to do. There is a readme included.


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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #1 on: 21 Feb 2007, 02:14:12 »
One thing I noticed was weird....the people walk in the middle of the road in town :P
Can't help but want to run em all down! :D
just setpos & forgetpos!

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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #2 on: 21 Feb 2007, 08:02:13 »
the people walk in the middle of the road in town
And you probably know that has nothing to do with the scripts etc, it's the AI itself..

But I guess constantly scanning for road objects in front of the AI, and once found avoiding them, would add a huge performance hit  :dunno:
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Offline Killzone

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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #3 on: 21 Feb 2007, 15:44:29 »
One thing I noticed was weird....the people walk in the middle of the road in town

I noticed this as well but like h- says its the AI.¦nbsp; And I dont mind running them down. LOL¦nbsp; Although, maybe they only take those routes because they have to walk a while between routes. Maybe more but shorter routes would fix that. Although I dont think it would.

One thing I noticed from testing is some routes are shorter than the lead unit (He is the one who directs the script) and what happens is they end up at there destination before him and they have to stand there doing nothing until the lead unit gets to his destination. This I could fix.


Does anyone know how to convert the 'God' code over to ARMA because: this addEventHandler ["hit", {_this select 0 setdammage 0}] does not seem to work. I was hoping to put it on the civilians so that they cant be killed so easy thus ruining the scripts. Although I cant seem to help putting a bullet in there head. LOL

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Offline FreeBird

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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #4 on: 21 Feb 2007, 19:12:31 »
Hi there,

If U have some more time I could use one for Paraiso  :P

Few things i would like to say:

**try to use your own variable names,many peeps use c1 ....etc for civilians,could cause conflicts when implementing in a mission who has already c1 used.

---->U could use KZ_c1,KZ_c2....etc instead

**PreloadObject,this can now preload your upcoming "createvehicles",it takes away the freezing of the game.

**Action.sqs:end it with exit,not with end.

**Some other things to consider:more civvies on vehicles (Motorbikes in v 1.04-1.05),few more cars,few cars parked,truckstop...etc

**(not related to your work):FEMALES!!! :yes: :D

GJ,keep going!

Call [This,Birth,School,Work,Death]execVM "Storyofmylife.sqf"
(_this select 1)ObjStatus "DONE";(_this select 2)ObjStatus "DONE";(_this select 3)ObjStatus "ACTIVE";(_this select 4)ObjStatus "HIDDEN";
if not((_this select 0) IsKindOf "Human")ExitWith{PlayMusic"Goodbye Cruel World"}

Offline Killzone

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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #5 on: 21 Feb 2007, 21:28:10 »
Hi freebird,

Thanks for taking a look and thanks for your comments.

try to use your own variable names,many peeps use c1

Good point. I am currently reworking the script so perhaps I will do that. I have the civillians walking in a MUCH better pattern that allows the city to appear as if it had more life than before even though I used the same amount of people.

PreloadObject,this can now preload your upcoming "createvehicles"

I was looking that up found this:

spawn {waitUntil 10 preloadObject "SoldierW"}

I am not sure I really understand it. Where does it create it on the map? It sounds like it could be handy.

Action.sqs:end it with exit,not with end.

I fixed it. I have a bad habit of doing that. LOL

Some other things to consider:more civvies on vehicles (Motorbikes in v 1.04-1.05),few more cars,few cars parked,truckstop...etc

What I think I am going to try is to have a seperate script for vehicles. Reason is I noticed that the vehicles arrive at there destination quicker than the walkers. and then what you get is a vehicle just sitting there in the middle of the road. My hope is having two scripts running side by side does not cause too much lag. It worth a try.

I have not gone through all the civilians but I did not notice if there are any females something I will add.

Thanks for taking a look and thanks for the help.

Paraiso might as well be the next city to try.  :good:

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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #6 on: 22 Feb 2007, 08:26:51 »
try to use your own variable names
Good point in deed  :good:

Killzone, you can register your own Tag here, just to make official (to further narrow down the possibility of variable conflicts)..
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #7 on: 22 Feb 2007, 17:11:47 »


isn't the tag system just for addon makers?  I am attempting to make an animated island using what is already in the game. (well except the scripts) I am not making a new 'addon' persay. Maybe I am just confused on what the tags are for.  :dunno:
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Offline h-

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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #8 on: 22 Feb 2007, 22:12:42 »
isn't the tag system just for addon makers?
Anyone can register a tag, it's not like you have to prove yourself worthy for one.

For example I have a tag even though I have not released anything personally (all releases have been a team based effort)..
Project MCAR   ---   Northern Fronts   ---   Emitter 3Ditor
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Re: Animated Towns
« Reply #9 on: 22 Feb 2007, 22:50:58 »
tags are for anyone who makes scripts which are likely to be used by others within the community. this includes addonmakers, mission designers... everyone can benefit from using unique identifiers for global variables.