nearestObject ID does return objects from greater distance than 50 meters (the Biki says it's not
guarantedd to find..), like in the above example the distance between [0,0,0] and the object is much much longer than 50m and the object is found without any 'lag' or delay..
However the object is in plain sight and that might help the command since the objects is already 'streamed up' and the object ID pointer is loaded up in the memory..
Which I then tested and sorta confirmed (I think
I placed myself on Sahrani, in town of Tiberia. I then queued an object from the island of Antiqua which way way up north compared to my position.
Using this code in a radio trigger set to repeatedly
hint format ["%1",((position player) nearestObject 498004)]
at first use the command froze the game for up to 25 seconds accompanied with extensive HD activity (this is probably dependant on the PC specs and ArmA version, mine is still 1.02, 505 version has not reached me yet..), after that long pause the game started to run again but no hint was printed on the screen (on second time testing the hint showed as it was already almost faded away from the screen) .
I then 'clicked the radio' again and now without any effort or delay a hint was printed on the screen saying:
498004: ker pichlavej.p3d