Checked the hummer script, it seemed rather simplistic to me, and mostly designed to transport stuff, no? Well, I can't vouch for if this script is exactly what you're looking for either, but give it a go : as the script says in the comments :
;the script mounts anything on top of another thing, it was "made" to be worked with or by
;mounting m2s on top of cars
;usage:[car,m2,distance behind or front of car,height] exec "mount.sqs"
;the script mounts anything on top of another thing, it was "made" to be worked with or by ;mounting m2s on top of cars
;usage:[car,m2,distance behind or front of car,height] exec "mount.sqs"
_Object1 = _this Select 0
_Object2 = _this Select 1
_Distance = _this Select 2
_amount =_this select 3
_Pos = GetPos _Object1
_ac =_pos select 2
_Dir = GetDir _Object1
;thanks to sefe for the following lines
_Object2 SetPos [ (_Pos Select 0) + _Distance * (Sin _Dir), (_Pos Select 1) + _Distance * (Cos _Dir),_ac+_amount]
_object2 setdir (_dir)
gunner _object2 setdir (_dir)
? not Alive _Object1 or not Alive _Object2 : Exit
Goto "Loop"
try it out for size
/Wolfrug out.