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Author Topic: invisible island textures + general texture advice needed  (Read 1411 times)

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Offline ceeeb

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G'day all : )

 I'm using visitor2 to apply textures to the land, but am having trouble in game with a few transitions where no texture or land appear. This is not the white landscape you get when the texture file is missing, but a totally transparent square (basically a square hole). The island looks completely correct in bulldozer. I'm freshly pbo'ing the texture folder from buldozer and putting it into the addon folder each time. Any ideas how to fix this?

 Secondly, if i want to use the textures from nogova without having to re-distribute every texture, how should i set up the textures in visitor? I'd only want to have to distribute any transitions that happen not to occur in nogova, rather than every file all over again.
« Last Edit: 25 Jun 2006, 15:05:12 by ceeeb »

Offline ceeeb

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Re: invisible island textures + general texture advice needed
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jun 2006, 03:16:37 »
ooh, think i've sorted out the main problem. i was hitting the 512 limit on textures, but not with used ones!!
 visitor does not automatically purge unused textures, so if you texture your island nicely using many textures and transitions, then paint it all one texture, all the transitions will still be saved into the pew and wrp file!! my island only used 433 textures, but was trying to save ~900 from previous layouts. as the wrp can only hold 512, some of the required texture names don't get saved into the wrp and hence appear as a hole in the ground. Visitors texture manager can purged these unused textures + transitions. cool : )


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Re: invisible island textures + general texture advice needed
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jul 2006, 13:26:15 »
Hi, I currently have this weird problem with one texture not showing up.
The weird thing is that the problem occurs with just this one texture /O/b1.paa  ??? It displays perfectly in WrpTool, but then for some reason it doesn't display in game.

The other textures in O.pbo work just fine, all other textures from the other islands also work... just this one that doesn't!

I also had a problem with WrpTool's Region Tool... whenever I use the region tool to place forrests, and if I choose the "place texture" option (which is convenient) then that texture won't display either... If I don't choose the "place texture" option, and place it manually... then the texture displays normally...  ???