ok heres the deal... i found a script here that is supposed to make a vehicle stop at a waypoint, wait untill all members of a group are aboard then go about it buisness...
well, when i implemented it into my mission, it just does not seem to work correctly.
heres the script (named bradwait.sqs)
_vehicle = _this select 0
; loop until all of the players squad have got in
; make the vehicle wait until the whole squad is in
_lead = leader player
_playerArr = units group _lead
_num = count _playerArr
_incount = 0
_tmp = 0
? vehicle (_playerArr select _tmp) == _vehicle: _incount = _incount + 1
? _tmp < (_num - 1) : _tmp = _tmp + 1; goto "for2"
? _incount != _num : goto "for1"
; the vehicle will move off on it's waypoints
_vehicle setfuel 1
first, i put a logic(named bradlogic) at the move waypoint where i want the vehicle(named brad) to stop and wait for the group to board. I then made a trigger with these parameters
brad distance bradlogic <5activation:
brad setfuel 0; [brad] exec "bradwait.sqs" this is how i get the vehicle to stop at the move waypoint...
from what the script tells me is that once the vehicle is out of fuel it will then be refueled once all the members of a group are aboard. now i did see that part at the top of the script that says "_vehicle = _this select 0" but i didn't see an array thingy
that specifies the group that is to get in.... :help:
sorry for the long winded post... just trying to explain as best i can