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Author Topic: Nogova city street signs  (Read 2092 times)

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Nogova city street signs
« on: 03 Jan 2006, 21:54:13 »
Hey everyone

You know the signs in the game that say the cities names like, lipany, modrava etc. etc.
Is there any way to unpbo these objects, throw them in a easy paint program and change the words on the signs? I just want to change them to my towns names?

Any help is appreciated!

Lean Bear

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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #1 on: 03 Jan 2006, 22:22:58 »
You don't even have to unPBO the signs - it's always the same sign (I think) but with different textures.

So, yes. Find the textures that are used in the folder "\Operation Flashpoint\data\..."

Then you open them in TexView (or a similar program) and save them as targa files (extension: *.tga). Then you should be able to open it in most image editing programs like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop. Once you've edited the image file, save it as a .tga file again.

Then repeat the conversion process in the opposite order:

Open your edited file in TexView (or PAATool or whatever) and save it as *.paa/*.pac (an OFP texture file). Then replace them in the data folder (I'd highly recommend making a back-up copy of the original files first!).


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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #2 on: 04 Jan 2006, 00:37:35 »
Sweet! Thanks! will try that tonight and post back the results! other opinions are still encouraged
Thanks again!


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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #3 on: 04 Jan 2006, 01:01:13 »
I cant get texview to take the paa files, only bmp and jpeg,


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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #4 on: 04 Jan 2006, 01:10:51 »
woops...wrong texview, I guess theres 2 programs with the same name!


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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #5 on: 04 Jan 2006, 01:28:08 »
Well I went thru

and misc pbo's
 and was unable to find the textures for the town signs, anyone know off the top of their heads where the textures for the signs are? Im looking for the ones that say like lipany, and modrava so I can change them to my own town names

Thanks everyone

Offline Pilot

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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #6 on: 04 Jan 2006, 01:48:24 »
They are in Res-Addons-O.pbo-Road



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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #7 on: 04 Jan 2006, 03:12:07 »
Hey Thanks Pilot sure enough they were there!

Now I have one more question

I took the street sign bitrov.p3d and the texture bitrov.paa
and edited the paa file to my liking, converted it back to paa and then renamed the file to signtest.paa  I then renamed the Bitrov.p3d to signtest.p3d
So I know have these 2 files and I dont want to have to unpbo RES/ADDONS/O  put these 2 files (pbo'd of course) into it and then repbo the O pack, I would like to just pbo the 2 files and put it in RES/ADDONS..Now the newsign.p3d does show up in the game when i put the files here But it still has the old texture on it instead of my newly edited one. How do I tell newsign.p3d to use newsign.paa as the texture?

Thanks guys!
« Last Edit: 04 Jan 2006, 04:42:10 by CirKuT »

Offline 456820

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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #8 on: 04 Jan 2006, 12:03:26 »
you shouldnt rename the .p3d and texture it needs to have the same name so the game can read it as the new one then it will work

Lean Bear

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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #9 on: 04 Jan 2006, 12:16:56 »
Unfortunately, simply renaming them with the same name won't replace the textures.

You'll need to open the signtest.p3d in Oxygen and manually replace the texture. That's just a case of doing some simple operations in O2:

1. Press Alt-T to open the texture window. You should see the .paa file with 'Bitrov' on it.

2. Then, Ctrl-Click on the texture in the texture window (this will select all the faces that that texture is applied to) and press 'E' to bring up the face properties dialogue.

3. At the bottom of this dialogue, you should see a text box with a path to the bitrov.paa file. Merely change this to 'signtest.paa' and save signtest.p3d. Replace the files (once PBO'd) in your Addons folder and you're all set.

You can get O2 (if you don't have it) from BIS's Breathe site.

Also, some good tuts as well as a how-to-set-it-up are available from Brsseb's website.


I just noticed that this should probably be in Addons:Editing or something (well, not scripting :P)

edit 2

Yeah, just noticed 456820 posted while I was writing mine - that's probably the easier method :P
« Last Edit: 04 Jan 2006, 12:20:01 by Lean Bear »


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Re:Nogova city street signs
« Reply #10 on: 04 Jan 2006, 19:24:58 »
Thanks guys! Will download oxygen tonight! You guys are the best!