This might too...
_N = 5
_D = 20
_Px = (GetPos player) Select 0
_Py = (GetPos player) Select 1
_i = 1
_dangle = GetDir player - 90 + ((_i * 180)/(_N + 1))
_Ax = _Px + _D * Sin _dangle
_Ay = _Py + _D * Cos _dangle
_temp = "chairx" CamCreate [_Ax,_Ay,0]
_i = _i + 1
?(_N >= _i): Goto "loop"
; places _N objects in a semicircle radius _D
; from the player's left (-90 degees)
; at an angular interval of 180/(_N+1) so:
; _N int rel ang
; 1 90 0
; 2 60 -30,+30
; 3 45 -45,0,+45
; 4 36 -54,-18,+18,+54
; 5 30 -60,-30,0,+30,+60
Note that it will not place objects directly left and right of the player but they do tend to those positions as the number of objects increases. For a different distribution it's the _dangle algorithm you need to tweak, the trig bit (_Ax and _Ay) won't need to change.