A script-free alternative to creating units that will allow you to get them to do something semi-intelligent when they come out of their billet:
1) Place an invisible H or a small object a metre or so in front of the barrack room door; name it, say, warpdestination
2) Create your group over the other side of the island.
3) Place a first waypoint nearby: full speed, column; condition: true && myalarmsgoneoffvariable
4) Place subsequent WPs in, around or from the base - however you want them to react.
5) Place a repeating trigger en route 50-100m after the first WP, big enough so that the troops won't miss it, Activated by them, OnActivation: {_x SetPos GetPos warpdestination} ForEach thisList
In theory (IIRC) the group will be held at its first WP. When myalarmsgoneoffvariable goes true, the group will run, in column, into the trigger and be teleported one-by-one to the door. There they will look suitably panicked for a few seconds then head towards the next WP.
Of course, other groups can use the same trigger, either start them further away, use a different holding variable or a delay on the trigger.