Alright, it's time for me to move on to my next objective in mission editing. I'm going to need the OFP community's help.
What will be my purpose in doing this thread. To get answers to many questions, I may have on mission editing. Learning and applying the information myself.
The more I learn the more I know, and the more I know the more much better mission I can make. I have the ideas, just not the know how...I would love it if people could respond to this thread, anybody who can provide me with as much advice as they can...Just imagine if I had the know how, woooooo, OFP watch out..!Anyways movings on....
Alright, I'll give OFP skills that I know how to do....Here goes nothing..
I know how to=
-basic knowledge of units, groups, waypoints, syncronization, markers.
I know how to implement many commands in the init field, on activation field, and not realy any in the condition field. I need to know a lot more on the init field and on activation field.
-basic knowledge of camera scripting:
I know how to do pretty much the basic commands on how to create the camera, but dont have them memorized, and I know how to change the aspects inside to get the camera to do somewhat of the things that i want.
-very intro/basic knowledge of scritping:
I know how to implement certain codes that you can use in the init fields, on activation fields and a few other things.. Not too much though, I know nothing about variables, or anything like that.
-Basic knowledge of description files.
I know how to change, onloadmissionname, onloadintro, onloadoutro. Those kinds of things. Theres not really here that I know how to do by heart.
-Basic Knowledge of Init.sqs Files.
I know how to hide objectives, and reactivate them in-game, but that's really about it, dont really know how to do much then that here.
That kind of sums it up a little bit. What I expect from people is to please provide me with as much information, help and links to gain my knowledge in this department. It will very much appreciated if everyone could pitch in here to this post. I'm very serious about learing to become a great God mission editor.
If you could also provide me with as much advice as you can on next steps/objectives/goals anything else along those lines that i should take to advance my knowledge in mission editing. Thank you all for you help and reading this.