ok i have made this little script, it will be exec'd when a town is taken over, its supposed to make the unit apper and then move to the town
_town = _this select 1
_x = (getpos _town select 0) + 30
_y = (getpos _town select 1) + 0
_z = getpos _town select 2
_townset = [_x,_y,_z]
_bob = "OfficerGHG" createUnit [getmarkerPos "bar",fakegrp]
[_bob] join grpnull
_bla = group _leader
_men = 0
?(_men >= 6) : goto "moveout"
_man1 = "SoldierGB" createUnit [getmarkerPos "bar",fakegrp]
_men = _men +1
[_man1] join grpnull
[_man1] join _bob
goto "top"
_lead domove getpos _townset
ok, the untis all get made, but then they jst move to the Game Logic called, fakegrp. i have no idea why its not working, but it getting annoying, so, help?
thanks :-\