Thanks for your answer, im glad to know its possible.
Sorry that i didnt supply enough info, heres the code from 3 of my scripts that manage the music and when to change. If you can suggest the best possible way to make it play seprately for each unit ill be very greatful ;D
Init.sqs - sets two improtant varibles, that are used for the scripts to know when to deactivate and reactivate depending on whats happening.
0 setfog 1
[] exec "randommusic.sqs"
[] exec "AttackMusic.sqs"
RandomMusic.sqs - This plays a randomly selected track whiles nothing intresting it happening.
?(PauseTracks==0):goto "start"
goto "loop"
?_PauseTracks==1:goto "loop"
_songs = ["DropsofSilence","TheSuicidalClockChime","IntotheDepthsofSelfDiscovery","Betrayal","DustmanSewer"]
_rndsong = random (count _songs)
_rndsong = _rndsong - (_rndsong mod 1)
_song = _songs select _rndsong
?_rndsong==0:goto "Depths"
?_rndsong==1:goto "Suicidal"
?_rndsong==2:goto "Drops"
?_rndsong==3:goto "Bet"
?_rndsong==4:goto "Dust"
?_rndsong==5:goto "Dust"
hint "Exit!"
playmusic _song
0 fademusic 0.5
?_backtoloop==164:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks==1;goto"Start"
?(PauseTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;goto "loop"
goto "lilloop"
playmusic _song
0 fademusic 0.5
?_backtoloop==60:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks==1;goto"Start"
?(PauseTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;goto "loop"
goto "lilloop5"
playmusic _song
0 fademusic 0.5
?_backtoloop==165:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks==1;goto"Start"
?(PauseTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;goto "loop"
goto "lilloop2"
playmusic _song
0 fademusic 0.5
?_backtoloop==140:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks==1;goto"Start"
?(PauseTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;goto "loop"
goto "lilloop3"
playmusic _song
0 fademusic 0.5
?_backtoloop==287:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks==1;goto"Start"
?(PauseTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;goto "loop"
goto "lilloop4"
MultiSpawner.sqs - this spawns zombies, when zombies are spawned the varibles 'pausetracks' = 1 and 'pauseAttackTracks' = 0. activating the fade out of the idle music and the fade in of the scary attack music.
;Script orginially from the 'Zombie Mod FAQ' in the mission editing section of the BI forums.Topic can befound at;act=ST;f=7;t=42005;st=0
;Script edited to spawn waves of zombies by D.Murphy man (AkA Shell_Sh0ck) from the BI forums.
;Dont Change these!
_ZombieGroupLeader=leader _zombiegroup
;Activate the following with [object,Group,numberofwaves,Delay,Playername,startdistance,Distanceexit] exec "Multispawner.sqs" In the activation line of a trigger or Init of an object in your mission.
;object=put a name,The location where the zombies spawn
;Group=put a group name,The group the zombies join when spawned (place a soldier on a far of island and name him)
;Numberofwaves=put a real number 0 to infinite OR type Forever..Number of times a zombie group will spawn each time the last group dies, Typeing 'Forever' will spawn zombie waves at an unlimited amount intill player moves out of set 'distanceexit'.
;Delay=Put a real number 0 to infinite..number of seconds to wait inbetween each wave.
;PlayerName=Put a players or AI name that will be activating the script
;startdistance=real number 0 to infite.. Number of meters away from PlayerName has to be from Object intill zombies spawn
;Distanceexit=Real number 0 to infinite.. Number of meters away playerName has to be from object intill allzombies are deleted and scripts exits (handy for keeping lag down)
;Example: [GameLogicName1,ZombieGroup1,5,4,player1,200,200] exec "Multispawner.sqs"
_trig=_this select 0
_zombiegroup=_this select 1
_spawnwaves=_this select 2
_Delay=_this select 3
_playerTarget=_this select 4
_startdistance=_this select 5
_ExitDistance=_this select 6
;Check too see if player is within range to start spawning.
? _playertarget distance _trig < _startdistance :PauseAttackTracks=0;goto "attack"
goto "checkattack"
;Sets the types and number of units to spawn (maximum of 11 zombies only, due to OFPs units in squad limit of 12), also adds 1 to _timetoexit varible if 'Forever' isint active, when this varible is equal to the previously set amount of zombie waves it will exit
_zombiesIwannaspawn = ["zombieex1", "zombieex2", "zombieex3", "zombieex4", "zombieex5", "zombieex6", "Zombieexwoman1", "zombieexwoman4", "zombieexwoman3", "zombieex7", "Zombieex8", "Zombieex9"]
_AllSpawned = 0
;Loops over and over intill all zombies in the array above are created.Also checks to see if _timetoexit is greater to _Spawnwaves, if so it jumps to check2.
?_timetoexit>_spawnwaves:PauseAttackTracks=1;goto "check2"
? _AllSpawned >= count _zombiesIwannaspawn: goto "check"
_Zombie = _zombiesIwannaspawn select _AllSpawned
?local Server:_Zombie CreateUnit [getpos _trig, _zombiegroup]
_AllSpawned = _AllSpawned + 1
goto "loop"
;Checks to see how many units are alive in the group, when it reaches 1 it spawns the zombies again (as the last one will be the unit on a far off location with the group name, and thus should not be gettin killed)
;Also checks too see if the player distance from the spawning object is greater then _ExitDistance. If so the script will jump back to 'Attack'
? _zombiesleft == count units _zombiegroup:goto "Attack"
? _trig distance _PlayerTarget > _ExitDistance:{_x setdammage 1} foreach units _ZombieGroup;PauseAttackTracks=1;PauseTrack=0;goto "checkattack"
goto "check"
;checks too see if the player distance from the spawning object is greater then _ExitDistance. If so the script will jump back to 'Attack'
? _trig distance _PlayerTarget > _ExitDistance:{_x setdammage 1} foreach units _ZombieGroup;PauseTrack=0;PauseAttackTracks=1;goto "checkattack";
goto "check2"
AttackMusic.sqs-this plays the attacking music, when the varible 'pauseattacktracks' = 0.
?(PauseAttackTracks==0):goto "begin"
goto "start"
5 fademusic 0
_Asongs = ["AshesandGhost","TheDarknessThatLurksInOurMinds","SilentHeaven","BlackFairy"]
_Arndsong = random (count _Asongs)
_Arndsong = _Arndsong - (_Arndsong mod 1)
_Asong = _Asongs select _Arndsong
?_Arndsong==0:goto "Ash"
?_Arndsong==1:goto "Dark"
?_Arndsong==2:goto "Silent"
?_Arndsong==3:goto "Black"
?_Arndsong==4:goto "Ash"
hint "Exit2!"
playmusic _Asong
5 fademusic 1
?_timetoexit>_spawnwaves:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;Goto "start"
?_backtoloop==175:5 fademusic 0;goto"begin"
?(PauseAttackTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;goto "start"
goto "lilloop"
playmusic _Asong
5 fademusic 1
?_timetoexit>_spawnwaves:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;Goto "start"
?_backtoloop==71:5 fademusic 0;goto"begin"
?(PauseAttackTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;goto "start"
goto "lilloop2"
playmusic _Asong
0 fademusic 0.5
playmusic _Asong
5 fademusic 1
?_timetoexit>_spawnwaves:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;Goto "start"
?_backtoloop==130:5 fademusic 0;goto"begin"
?(PauseAttackTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;goto "start"
goto "lilloop3"
playmusic _Asong
0 fademusic 0.5
playmusic _Asong
5 fademusic 1
?_timetoexit>_spawnwaves:5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;Goto "start"
?_backtoloop==68:5 fademusic 0;goto"begin"
?(PauseAttackTracks==1):5 fademusic 0;PauseTracks=0;goto "start"
goto "lilloop4"
hope that isint too much to digest.