Is this possible at all?
I want a unit to be created on top of a roof from a building.
When I place it there in the editor via setpos it works but
whatever I try to do with CreateUnit, nothing happens...
the unit spawns but getting it on the roof is an entirely different matter.
Here's what I've tried sofar:
"SoldierEB" CreateUnit [[13719.5,11609.6,5.2], Group Player, {SpawnUnit = this}, 1];[SpawnUnit] join grpNull
doesnt work
"SoldierEB" CreateUnit [[13719.5,11609.6,5.2], Group Player, {SpawnUnit = this}, 1];[SpawnUnit] join grpNull
SpawnUnit setpos [(getpos this select 0) +13719.5 ,(getpos this select 1) +11609.6 , (getpos this select 2) +5.5]
doesnt work either
and all the inbetweens with getmarkerpos and gamelogics turned
out a zip aswell.
Plz help