Not for me they don't! I set seek and cycle wps away from the last main cycle, then sync'd the trigger to the one before the seek (ie., the last in the main wp set). I then pass [this, 9, 10] to the script, and kill one of the group. The others run away from me combat mode, ie., to the next wp in the main set.
I tried passing [this, 8, 9] - no change.
Tried setting the wp in the script loop 'manually' - no change.
Tried sync'ing the trigger to the seek wp - no change.
The script runs when the trigger fires - I put a hint in to test it.
So the only way I've got it to work correctly so far, and get them to hunt me immediately, is to set every flaming wp to getpos player.
This is doing my head in.
Perhaps I'll just leave it setting all wps to get me, but I'd rather have a flexible script to use with other units.