Going off sugestion 4 i added this, this is what the add action leads to to activate script
?not ("M113a" distance aCarrier <5):hint "The chopper isn't close enough";exit
[aCarrier,M113a] exec "attachvech/1.sqs"
then goes to attach vech
_carrier   = _this select 0
_cargo      = _this select 1
endCargoSession = false
goto debug
_x = (getPos _carrier) select 0
_y = (getPos _carrier) select 1
_z = (getPos _carrier) select 2
_cargo setPos [_x, _y, _z - 5]
_cargo setDir (getDir _carrier)
? (!endCargoSession) : goto "nochmal"
i changed the player to the name of the vech, since thats what i want to have a certain distance from each other.
However in that line i get an error... "aCarrier <|#| 5):hint"
What im trying to do is not have he person in the chopper load it but a man on the ground hits the action to attach it to the vehicle (Multiplayer, srry probably should have put it in there).