Make triggers above each of your respawn points.. make the radius 400 or so depending on your map, activated by what ever team you are on and make it repeating. Then make your respawn marker if u are using west use respawn_west. Make markers for where u want the other respawn points to be and for now name them Respawn1, Respawn2, Respawn3... Then in the On Activation for each of the triggers on each of your respawn points put:
for the first respawn point (Respawn1)
"respawn_West" SetMarkerPos (GetMarkerPos "Respawn1")
so for (Respawn2) its..
"respawn_West" SetMarkerPos (GetMarkerPos "Respawn2")
and so on..
Now when your player passes through the trigger it will move your spawn point.. Adjust the size of the trigger so they dont overlap and there ya go..
If you want only the one player closest to the respawning point you will have to do something a little different.. setting pos by getting positions of markers and activating when alive.. but only when the trigger is set off.. :O dont have the time for taht now
I hope that made some sense :hmm: :cheers: