You can even do it without the EH.
This is a snippet from one of my old camscripts.
It was written to follow the rocket fired from a Gustavlauncher.
;camera creation
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"]
;film the atguy
_camera camSetTarget atguy
_camera camsetrelpos [0,-4,1]
_camera camSetFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 0
@((atguy ammo "CarlgustavLauncher") == 0)
; here I catch the missile and put the camera behind it and follow it until it got destroy. Here you can run the vehiclecam if you want. Use the variable _miss to run the script
_miss = nearestobject [atguy,"Carlgustav"]
_camera camsettarget _miss
_camera camsetrelpos [3,-2,0]
_camera camcommit 0
?(isnull _miss) : goto "destroy"
_camera camsettarget _miss
_camera camsetrelpos [3,-2,0]
_camera camcommit 0
goto "missloop"
Good luck!