When you syncronise 2 (SWITCHED) radiotriggers with a waypoint, you will have to click both radiotriggers before the truck moves on.
Also you can't split waypoints, but you can move them.
I should do it like this :
1- make an init.sqs with
1 SetRadioMsg "NULL"
2 SetRadioMsg "NULL"
radio = false
That's the only script you'll need.
In the editor :
1 - Place your vehicle, name it (eg : truck), move in the player and his group.
2 - Give the truck 3 waypoints :
One at the crossing (MOVE), one wherever you want (MOVE) and one at the extraction point. (GETOUT or TRANSPORT UNLOAD)
In the condition field of the waypoint at the crossing :
Onactivation field :
1 SetRadioMsg "NULL";2 SetRadioMsg "NULL"
3- Place a small trigger WEST/EAST,dunno what's your side..... detected,once; just before the crossing , in the onactivation field :
1 SetRadioMsg "road south";2 SetRadioMsg "road north"
...so the radio messages will be available when you approach the crossing.
4- Group that trigger with the truck.
5- Click on "View ID" and zoom in. Find an ID on a road in the north and one in the south and write it down somewhere : eg: (8778 for south, 21564 for north)
6- place two radio triggers (Alpha and Bravo)
In onactivation field of the Alpha trigger (South):
radio = true;[group truck,2] setWPpos (getpos object 8778)
onactivation field of the Bravo trigger (North)
radio = true;[group truck,2] setWPpos (getpos object 21564)
Voila, that's all I think. There could be an easier way but I can't find one atm.
Not tested btw.
The truck will stop at the second waypoint, because he will wait untill radio is true. When you use your radio, the third waypoint will be setposed at one of the ID positions and the radiomessages disappear.