Have you tried using Markers?
If not, here's how.
OK, create 2 markers on the mission editor screen.
Set TYPE to empty. (So they don't show on the map during your missions.)
Set NAME to "WP1" and "WP2" respectively.
With that done, place a group of soldiers/tanks/whatever.
In the INIT field of the group leader, type this...
Group1 = group this; [Group1,1] exec "Patrol.sqs"
The first defines the group as 'Group1'.
The next command calls a script called 'Patrol.sqs"
OK, open notepad and copy this...
_Group = _this select 0
_NextWP = _this select 1
?(_Next WP == 1): _WP = getMarkerPos "WP1"
?(_Next WP == 2): _WP = getMarkerPos "WP2"
(units _Group) commandMove _WP
@(unitReady (units _Group))
(leader _Group) sideChat "In position, sir."
Now, you can make as many waypoints (markers) as you like.
And, you don't need to start at waypoint #1.
If, instead, you want to start at waypoint #3, in the argument for the script put [Group1,
Hope this helps