ok first of all ive de pboed a mission with a custom death cam and i found this line can anybofy help make sense of it apart from when playeer is hit script failed activates
{_x AddEventHandler ["KILLED",{if ((_this select 1) == PlayMan) then {["5"] exec "Failed.sqs"}}]} ForEach (thislist - (((units group PlayMan) - [PlayMan]) + [Velitel,Pilot,Pilot2]))
then in the script is
? Pyka : exit
EndID = (_this select 0)
Failed = TRUE
Pyka = TRUE
Health = FALSE
TitleCut ["","BLACK OUT",2]
2 FadeMusic 0
0 FadeSound 0
PlayMan AddRating 7000
PlayMan SetDammage 1
can that possibly make a death cam
since i didnt think it could i found a script called
but could find where it was activated from but in that script looks like it could be a custom death cam but i also think it needs som parametres for it to work so can anyone tell me what they could be from this
_player = (_this select 0)
_killer = (_this select 1)
the mission is "Mountain dew" also known as "97_RR" that what the flders called anyway its in the missions depot and it is a very good mission