I read that allowdammage didn't work after v1.30 or something? If it still does that would be even greaterer (apologies to my third grade english teacher) !
I've got a mission called The Grinder which is just one endless slaughterfest of slowly respawning groups grinding towards the others base camp, with a time dilation script (10 minutes = 1 day) and a few simple artillery scripts (prority barrage at 300m, full barrage at 500m, smoke, flares) thrown in for added mayhem.
I've been looking to make some sort of "Hit the Dirt" script that would pin all the group members to the ground, shut them up (ie no fire) and make them partially immune to enemy attacks. I was even going to camcreate some grass objects around them to add to the effect !
Now either of the above routines would work. Non-lethal artillery mixed in with real boom-booms or allowdamage false for the duration of the script would both work wonders.
Eventually I'll make my dream mision - the Somme, day one !
:gunman: :noo: :help: :'(