for some reason showcinemaborder false is not working for me. I have it as one of the first lines in my "movie.sqs" that is called from the init.sqs. Is that the right place to use it? I have a custon resource I want to display during my intro cutscene. Sometimes I have no problems, and other times I do...very weird:
?param1==2:goto "end"
playmusic "movie"
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
_camera camcommit 0
ShowCinemaborder false
titlersc ["starttext1","Plain"]
;=== 19:18:38
_camera camSetTarget [101162.25,27503.28,74.04]
_camera camSetPos [2245.82,12243.79,2.94]
;;_camera camSetFOV 0.700
_camera camCommit 0
@camCommitted _camera