This is one tricky bastard. At least I found it that way.
I'm making a grouplink script, so for the spot/despot unit script I've put together a simple knowsabout check to see if unit knowsabout blahblah > 0.105, whatever. Then I setmarkerpossed a marker there, following the spotted unit. The problem is the despotting.
Everybody knows how the knowsabout command works right? 0.105 being the magic number and slowly decreasing and blah blah. If not have a look at the online ComRef.
Anyway, once someone has seen the unit up close or through binoculars, the number is up high, something like 3. But from a distance, but still visible, it's down at like 0.5. Now, because the knowsabout command works in such a fucked up way, at least in this case, the player will be able to follow the spotted unit via the marker if he seen him up close or via binoculars. Problem is, since this number's highpoint was 3, he'll continuesly see this unit for like ages untill it has dropped below 0.105, even if he's moved away since long. So why not raise the condition to like 1? Because a guy spotting someone from a greater distance (or not looking through binoculars) , say, 0.5 and is firing at 'em sunuvabiatches won't count as a "spot".
How will I solve it then? Best way, I figure, would be to continuasly set the knowsabout number to 0, and then do a new knowsabout check all the time. However, I don't know if this is possible. Anyone know or have any other ideas?
Please help me, I'm just like two inches from beta stage. :'(
:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: