Alright this is a question that i would like to know sometime.
This would also help me with my campaign.
*Obj: I need to have the ai sniper snipe someone(+) from a far range.
Is that possible.
I tryed putting:
snip setViewDistance 2000But the ai sniper still doesn't go to the target.
Well in certain positions, but when the scope is on the enemy's head.
He doesn't shot.
MAP Nogova:
He shots when he is:
Bh:64 =
Bh:65 =
He doesn't shot when he is:
Enemy (mid point)
Bh:64 =
Sniper (mid point)
Bf:65 =
There are three enemies in the test mission.
There names range from c1 - c3.
The sniper has a name of snip.
There is a Game Logic know as gL1. (For camera lead-off)
The camera starts and views all the men.
Moves to view the sun . . .
setAccTime .1
Views the sniper (Right side of face) *.1 second*
Views the sniper (Left side of face) *.1 second*
Views the sniper (Front side of face) *.1 second*
// There is also a configed bullet-script within this too.
Camera creates the view through the sniper scope, like your guys helped me with finding. **Thanks**
Sniper targets one person.
Then switches to the last person in line. (They're walking)
Targets c3.
Shots c3.
Then c2
Then c1.
This is some of the code within the attack:
snip setUnitPos "Down"
removeAllWeapons snip
snip addWeapon "HuntingRifle";
snip addMagazine "HuntingRifleMag";
snip addMagazine "HuntingRifleMag";
snip addMagazine "HuntingRifleMag";
_cam = "camera" camcreate getpos t1
_cam cameraeffect ["INTERNAL", "Back"]
_cam camsettarget snip
_cam camsetrelpos[0,40,20]
_cam camcommit 6
@camCommitted _cam
_cam camsettarget snip
_cam camsetrelpos[0,2,.5]
_cam camcommit 4
@camCommitted _cam
titlecut["","BLACK OUT",2]
snip dotarget c1
_cam cameraeffect ["TERMINATE", "Back"]
snip switchcamera "INTERNAL"
snip switchcamera "GUNNER"
titlecut["","BLACK IN",1]
snip dotarget c3
snip dofire c3
@ not alive c3
_cam = "camera" camcreate getpos gL1
_cam cameraeffect ["INTERNAL", "Front"]
_cam camsettarget c2
_cam camsetrelpos[0,10,20]
_cam camcommit 1
@camCommitted _cam
c2 switchMove "FXdismay"
c2 dotarget snip
c2 dowatch snip
c2 playMove "FXShow3"
snip dotarget c2
_cam camsettarget c2
_cam camsetrelpos[0,10,.5]
_cam camcommit 4
@camCommitted _cam
titlecut["","BLACK OUT",2]
_cam cameraeffect ["TERMINATE", "Back"]
snip switchcamera "INTERNAL"
snip switchcamera "GUNNER"
titlecut["","BLACK IN",1]
snip dofire c2
@ not alive c2
snip dotarget c1
snip dofire c1
@ not alive c1
If you guys know what i mean... i would like to know how to increase there range of fire.
If that is not possible... i might need to have some other sniper snipe the dude closer and make it look like the far away one did it.
Is there a command so they could just fire?
unitname fire "HuntingRifle"