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Author Topic: Trigger Definitions/Options/Peramiters  (Read 485 times)

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Offline Calamity

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Trigger Definitions/Options/Peramiters
« on: 23 Jan 2005, 16:35:01 »
Is there a way, from inside a script, to get the dimentions of a trigger?

I am working on a new flare trap.
What I want to do - which I haven't found - is create a trigger with the dimentions of Y=2 X=n. This would form a "TripLine"
When fired, the executing trigger passes it's name to the script. With this name I can get the 'direction' of the trigger. What I need is the X length. that way I can randomly create the flare somewhere allong the length of the 'tripwire'. I'm also thinking of making the script randomly drop a Shell73 so the TripLine can also simulate triggering a "ClayMore Mine".

I have alternitive methods, such as passing the dimention to the script. But it required defining the X dimention in two locations. This is cumbersome, and not as user friendly as I would like.

Any help here guys. thanks.
« Last Edit: 25 Jan 2005, 01:46:02 by Calamity »

Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:Trigger Dimentions
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jan 2005, 17:25:22 »
i'm afraid you're out of luck
you'll have to pass the dimension to the script

Offline Calamity

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Re:Trigger Definitions/Options/Peramiters
« Reply #2 on: 25 Jan 2005, 02:04:57 »
Ok, I've given up on the whole getting the trigger Dimensions thing. I've moved on a bit. Instead I want to automatically pass the name of the trigger.
The Test
Create a trigger, Anybody present. 1x25, rectangle - A trip line - INIT =
HINT FORMAT["Tripping Unit = %1", this]

Turns out if I use the keyword "THIS" as the passed parameter, then 'sometimes' it will supply the name of the unit that tripped the trigger. More often though it will return a Boolean.

If, however I set the INIT =
HINT FORMAT["Tripping Unit = %1", thislist select 0]

Then the trigger will ALWAYS return the tripping unit. (See attached mission).
However, If I create a small delay on the trigger. Say 4 seconds. Then the unit has time to move out of the trigger. Apparently when the trigger's time delay ENDS it builds the list. Hence I get a scalier instead.

So, My question boils down to this. Is there a way to codify the passing of the trigger name? This way I can automatically pass the trigger name to the script and temporarily disable the trigger. (This is to give a small break for the TripLine to 'Reset' and will also prevent every member of the group from tripping the line in turn)

Thanks Guys.

Offline macguba

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Re:Trigger Definitions/Options/Peramiters
« Reply #3 on: 25 Jan 2005, 11:09:41 »
Just a guess, but could you use name this in some way?   Dunno if it would work on a trigger, might be worth a try.
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