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Author Topic: a war campaign mission by mission  (Read 1131 times)

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a war campaign mission by mission
« on: 27 Dec 2004, 15:09:56 »
You're a machine gunner for the Rangers who's just been called to war.  A colonel needs taken out by a certain deadline so you'll be doing a day raid deep behind enemy lines to get this guy.  Skip to the combat area, You just got dropped off on the island and you're being briefed already.  The Commander tells your squad your orders and is very strict with you to not to speak to each other unless its during combat chatter since you are a recon unit.  First man to talk gets snitched on when you return back to camp and he will be dealt with accordingly.  Another rule, never leave the squad.  Punishment will be death.  They fly you to the edge of the hot zone and fastrope your squad off and fly away from the forest surrounded by trees.  You set out following your leader on a slow march.  You're on patrol sneaking past enemy units, risking being spotted, and then all of a sudden its time to stop and set up camp.  Your team leader takes you to a good spot and then each individual soldier does his duty.  Some people put up a tent, one makes a fire, the others just kinda chill around it.  A few guys sit around the campfire.  Then one guy gets sniped in the head.  You'd better return fire if you don't want to die next.  One of the soldiers runs out there toward the sniper and steps on a landmine.  BOOM.  Your leader just camped you in a mine field.  Then the enemy starts slowly over time revealing himself pumping lead at your squad and increasing in number.  Obviously signaled by the sniper, he wasn't alone.  They're taking long range shots pinning you down in the mine field.  You're the machine gunner so you're trying to mow them down.  You battle for a good minute or so and then it ends.  You met patrol vs. patrol into an enemy ambush point.  Looks like they know this land way better than you.  The enemy has a good idea of your position, and thinks he knows where you're heading.  Air recon on the strategic objective was too blurry from the U2, and fighter jets can't even get close to it with all that anti air and bad rain.  You're Americas only hope.  Air support won't be available till eyes on target is established.  You've got to capture that area.  When you have that recon assessment, radio in and the commander will do the rest is what your orders in your briefing read.  The firefight stops, then in comes the artillery.  BOOM, one lands.  The radioman is on the horn talking about ya'll stepped into an ambush.  If ya'll got injured he's calling in the medivac to airlift that guy out of there and fly in a replacement.  Minutes later in comes a dustoff unit on the road, its friendly.  You provide cover fire for your boy crawling to the chopper.  They're taking him back to the forward base, looks like you boys got in too deep.  The leader decides to hold position until the artillery stops.  It's blowing up the landmines anyhow.  Once the artillery stops you begin again in a spread out formation heading towards the objective.  There's an important enemy colonel that must be killed and he's cornered into a city but he's well defended.  This is his island and he ain't moving for jack.  He's in a populated area though, so recon must be established.  Will you make it past the mines, past the artillery, the enemy patrols, and get that recon info back to base?  

I want to kind of mix the feeling of vietnam, with the machinery of the late eighties to midnineties, in a foresty environment, that has cities in it too.  I know which addons to use but you guys got any island suggestions for a nice long campaign?  I'd love to do the bosnian serb conflict.          
« Last Edit: 27 Dec 2004, 15:50:08 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:a war campaign mission by mission
« Reply #1 on: 27 Dec 2004, 19:08:30 »
I think it's almost impossible to reach such detail in the mission.

First of all after that one minute firefight, and the arty barrage, I'd doubt if the player would still be alive, not mentioning his squad.

If the chopper would have to wait for the guy to crawl in, it would be hit from an RPG straight away.

Your patrol wouldn't have enough energy, nor means to get to the objective.

Although I like the way you wrote it. Started feeling I was reading a novel ::).



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Re:a war campaign mission by mission
« Reply #2 on: 28 Dec 2004, 01:38:34 »
lol.  Okay how's this one then:  You're a green beret unit tasked with gathering intelligence on a base that you're training a foreign army to assault in a few days.  You stick by the road on each side people laying down.  A casual soldier comes walking down the road.  You hop out and put your gun to his face.  When he spots you he immediately goes into surrender animation.  You coming within a certain distance of him causes him to drop his weapons as a "drop your weapons and come with me" sound plays from your soldier and then he joins your squad.  A successful kidnapping.  You then march the guy off through the night back to a helicopter extraction point.  

addon: HYK 1.52 special forces
« Last Edit: 28 Dec 2004, 01:39:24 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:a war campaign mission by mission
« Reply #3 on: 29 Dec 2004, 20:09:07 »
type of war: full scale
area: Africa
problem: Foreign nation invading a democratic ally.
time line in the story:  Somewhere shortly after the beginning.

Your a member of a ranger squad tasked with securing a power plant that a major force is on its way to acquire according to AWACS.  You're sent there immediately fastrope in and chill there for a bit.  Then after a few seconds the main force comes up the road and you have to prepare a hasty defence.

In another mission:

Your a member of a mechanized infantry unit with the objective to advance to contact to a village, on the trail of some fleeing enemy soldiers from the land you were occupying.  They escaped on a attack attempt.  It was direct action.

  The mission starts with your whole squad in a slow march behind the tank and it comes to a sudden hault at this forest blocking your path.  Looks like the tank can't pass through.  The village is just beyond.  You hear the radio man chatter to HQ for a few seconds on the situation, some radio chatter follows you can't make out, then the radio man tells the team leader that HQ says to enter through the forest while the tank crew goes around.  Tank crew is turned out in safe mode so they're listening.  Leader shouts "Okay listen everyone, we got orders to penetrate this forest till we reach enemy contact and engage at will, then radio back, tank crew you are supposed to circle around and find another way in.  Let's get ready and move out.  The infantry seperate from the tank.  Everyone is to follow his command, the tank looks for another way around, while your leader guides you through the forest.  You walk through this creepy forest and the leader stops and says "Ho!  We got us a mine here.  I need one of you to disable it, the rest of us will cover."  Noone else will do it but you since you're the only human player.  You disable the mine and radio for them to advance.  They walk a bit more slowly to the objective with weapons out and then go into stealth mode with everybody laying down.  Leader says "looks clear lets move in."  A few seconds and you're back up again and walking into the village very slow and carefully.  The group who you chased down knows no air evac is coming for them and they're cornered so they're firing an rpg at the tank first to disable it and thats how the battle starts.  A few sympathisers pop out from the city center to come and buck at you guys to help the soldiers, you end up having to return fire.  The tank is in trouble, if you lose him its your ass but you're under fire.        
« Last Edit: 29 Dec 2004, 20:13:48 by BronzeEagle »