Artak, that array assignment is not working, it says:
'(_tanks select _counter) #= "T80" createVehicle getmarkerpos "tankscomeout_1" ' : Error Unknown operator.
And I can't find it in reference, there is only operations with whole arrays, lists and so on, not with changing one element of the array. How do I then assign an element of an array? I mean write, not read. Ok there is a command for that:
_tanks set [counter, "T80" createVehicle getmarkerpos "tankscomeout"]
But there still is the problem with the created units init line. Look at my script (changed a bit):
?!(local server) : exit
drivers = [driver0, driver1, driver2, driver3, driver4]
_tanks = [_tank0, _tank1, _tank2, _tank3, _tank4]
counter = 0
;? ([getmarkerpos "tankscomeout", getpos (_tanks select (_counter-1))] call distancePos < 15) : goto "loop"
_tanks set [counter, "T80" createVehicle getmarkerpos "tankscomeout"]
(_tanks select counter) setdir 180
"SoldierE" createUnit [getMarkerPos "tankscomeout", tankisti, "drivers set [counter, this]",1,"private"]
[(drivers select counter)] join GrpNull
(drivers select counter) assignAsDriver (_tanks select counter)
(drivers select counter) moveInDriver (_tanks select counter)
(drivers select counter) move position object 101440
counter = counter +1
? counter < 3 : goto "loop"
hint "Exit"
I made variables global, or else there was no soldiers getting in tanks. Just getting in formation on foot. Now it looks like there is only created one driver. All other tanks are empty. How do I get a proper information exchange with that init line, so I can get my tanks rolling to a point? Or is there not init line problem?