For example:
;C0LDSt33L's ultra-incredible grenade Script
_target = _this select 0
_targetx= getpos _target select 0
_targety= getpos _target select 1
_boom = "Grenade" camCreate[_targetx,_targety, 1]
The script should be called thus: [LG1] exec "scriptname.sqs"
This will create one grenade a meter above LG1.
This is a more complicated one:
;C0LDSt33L's even more ulta-incredible bombard script
_target = _this select 0
_bombcount = _this select 1
_targetx= getpos _target select 0
_targety= getpos _target select 1
_targetxx = _targetX -100
_targetyy = _targety -100
_tempBomb = "Grenade" camCreate[_targetxx+random 200,_targetyy + random 200, 1]
_tempBomb = objNull
_BombCount= _Bombcount - 1
?(_BombCount>0): goto "ReBomb"
The script is called: [object around which the bombard will focus, number of bombs] exec "bombard script.sqs"
You can play around with this to alter the time between bombs or the area they land on and pretty much anything else, it's fairly self-expanatory.
I'm off to have a cream cheese sandwich now