Hey Gooner,
Coldst33l's almost got it... he just needed to drop the brackets around _cutscene.
If you look right at the start of either scenes.sqs or radio.sqs, you'll see this code:
_call = _this select 0
goto _call
hint "Error in Scene.sqs"
All that does is jump the script to where I want it to be, depending on how it was executed. The Larchefallen cutscene is executed by a trigger that detects when there are heaps more bad guys than good guys.
It executes the script like this:
["Larchefallen"] exec "Scene.sqs""
Then the code above will jump the script to #Larchefallen.
The main reason I do this is simply because I don't want to have to juggle 300 .sqs files in my mission directories. There are a lot of other little reasons, but simplicity is the main one