This is a really n00bish question 'cause I've been working on this dialog for days but now I'm stuck with this small piece of code.
_Number = ctrlText _ID
? _Number = 0 : exit
_Number = _Number - 1
ctrlsetText [_ID, format["%1", _number]]
What I am trying to do is basicly get the ctrltext from _ID, be sure it won't go negative, extract 1 and then show the new number. Fine. However, it shows up -1? So I checked it with a hint format line. Aparantley, it's this line:
? _Number = 0 : exit
that fucks up 'cause after that _number shows up 0? Before it shows up 3, as it should do. I mean, that's a very simple line!! I can't handle first grade OFP scripting?? WTF?
:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: